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How to Clean Your House After the Holiday Season

Cleaning Service in Clearwater, Palm Harbor and St. Petersburg

There’s no getting around it: the holidays make a wreck of your house. With all of those friends and family pouring in and out the door, the decorations going up and being taken down, and the presents—both given and received—cause considerable clutter in your home. Despite this fact, there are quick and easy ways to clean up post holiday.

Make It a Priority

The longer you let your home look ransacked, the harder it will be for you to tidy up later on. After all, it’d be much easier to tackle it tomorrow, right? Don’t procrastinate. As soon as your family goes home and the tree has been set outside by the curb, start picking up the mess.

Hire a Cleaning Service


It might sound like a luxury, but you’ll really be doing yourself a favor by hiring a cleaning service after the holidays. Why? Simply, this isn’t your everyday kind of mess. Post-holiday clean up requires extensive cleaning of the kitchen after all of that food preparation. The floors need to be meticulously swept, vacuumed, and mopped after encountering so much foot traffic and pine needles.

Most of all, many people have to get right back to work after the holidays, not leaving much time for fixing the mess. Hiring a cleaning service makes the entire task less daunting and allows you to get a spotless home without having to lift a finger.

Get Out of Their Way

Once the cleaning service arrives, it’s best to get out of their way. That is, don’t stick around the house and guide them through the cleaning process. They know what they’re doing and can clean a lot more efficiently and quickly without you hounding them over every stroke of a duster. Arrange for the cleaners to come while you’re away at work or schedule an outing for yourself while they’re working so you won’t get in the way.

Most people look over the mess their homes have become after the holidays and sigh, not even knowing where to start. But this doesn’t have to be you. Even better, you don’t have to spend your vacation scrubbing. Hire a cleaning service
to get the job done for you and you’ll find yourself with a lot more free time. And you won’t even have to feel guilty about it, which is probably the biggest perk of all. The job will be done in an afternoon’s time and you won’t have to think about sweeping pine needles again for another year.

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A Guide to Cleaning Your Rooms Efficiently

Cleaning any room in your home should be efficient, there are other things you would rather be doing so don’t allow it to take longer than it should. Many people approach their home cleaning in a haphazard way though and don’t realize how much time they are wasting.

There are two ways to go about your home cleaning first of all, one room at a time or a few rooms at a time. Generally you will want to do your kitchen and bathrooms separately but with rooms such as bedrooms you may want to do them all at once rather than one thing at a time and you will soon see why.

To do your home cleaning in an efficient way do one thing at a time. So first of all go around and get rid of anything that has been left out, doesn’t belong in that room, is rubbish or is simply out of place. You should then have the room as it should be for your home cleaning.

It is best to do one job at a time and it makes a lot of sense to start with dusting, when you dust most of the dust actually rather than getting picked up falls down on to flat surfaces or floors, therefore start high and work down. It may help with this and other home cleaning jobs to start in one corner and then work around the outside of the room.

By doing a few rooms at once you don’t have to put down dust clothes just to get them later and the same is true when you come to polish. You may want to even split polishing up as well so that first you do wood, then metal items and so on, this way you only need to use one container of polish at once.

You may have little more to do now apart from vacuuming your carpet but also look out for any little jobs such as getting rid of cobwebs, cleaning windows, or even wiping down walls, which might be needed.

Vacuuming more than any other job should be done in one go for all rooms, it also pays to start in one room away from the door and work across towards the door. Rather than waiting until items get in the way it helps to move them all beforehand in one go so you don’t need to be constantly stopping and starting the job. Another important point is that if you do use your vacuum for upholstery, curtains or to get cobwebs out of corners again you should do this before the rest of your vacuuming as often dust will end up on the carpet rather than in the vacuum cleaner.

Kitchens and bathrooms obviously take more work, you have the same steps but a few others as well. You may well want to clean your oven and hob in the kitchen and toilet, taps, bath and sink in the bathroom first. All of these are jobs that should be done before the rest of the room. With your hob especially but with all of these when you start scrubbing dirt may fly off in other directions and land elsewhere such as the floor or work surfaces. To make sure you don’t cross contaminate make sure the jobs that require more hard work are done first.

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The Benefits of Hiring a Clearwater Cleaning Service

Clearwater cleaning service

In this day and age having a spotless home can feel like a luxury. However, taking care of your living space can actually improve your health and sense of well-being. There’s nothing like cleaning up a mess to improve your mood and regular cleansing can eliminate mold, mildew, and other toxins that could negatively impact your health. But what on earth are you supposed to do if you’re too busy? Why, hire a Clearwater cleaning service to get the job done for you, of course!

Most maid services are affordable and can fit within your budget. Plus, you’ll find the services they offer to be more than worth the cost. Here are just a few of the benefits:

By hiring Clearwater cleaning service, you can rest assured that every last bit of dirt and grim will be removed from your home. In the bathroom, that deeply ground in dirt in the grout will be removed. Tough soap scum will be scrubbed away. Most importantly, the dirt that accumulates is removed to prevent the accumulation of mold and other bacteria that could be harmful to your health. A truly skilled cleaning service will effectively sterilize your home, leaving it a safer, more inviting place in which to live.

Likewise, the appropriate, specialized cleaners will be used on the various surfaces of your home so there won’t be any of that unsightly streaking. And all of the tough stains and grime will be removed. No more generic cleaners that won’t do half of the job of removing soap scum in the bathroom, grease in the kitchen, and fingerprints from wood.

A Clearwater cleaning service will also clean areas you may not think to clean. For instance, they’ll clean out your microwave, get under cabinets and refrigerators and dust high corners and shelves. Even the upholstery will get its due turn with steam cleaners to remove stains and trapped bacteria and dirt. A good steam cleaner for the carpet will also ensure any bacteria and grime you’ve tracked in from outside will be removed.

Once a maid is done with your home, every last surface and corner will be cleaned and sanitized to ensure your ensure living space is safe and welcoming to all who enter it. And the best part is you don’t have to lift a finger. The maids will come into your home, clean everything so you can check one more thing off of your to-do list and get on with your life. And bring the maids back once every few weeks to maintain your spotless abode!

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Five Main Reasons You Might Need to Clean Your Home

Maid Service in Palm Harbor and ClearwaterWhen somebody comes to your home, the first think they notice, is your house clean? There must be good cleaning. Dirty windows and rooms give the bad impression that this house is not maintained well. While cleaning house gives you an idea about that the house is in good quality condition. There are 5 reasons to clean your home using maid service. You shall find out some reasons, why to clean your home professionally cleaned.

1.       Save time:

By appointing a maid service to keep clean your home, you have free time to allow you to get attention on your house and family. Your mind will feel rest, when you will see your house tidy and neat, when you come back at home. You don’t need to a cleaning or arrange your stuff. You can also have more time free to go meet people with friends.

2.       Save money:

Hiring maid service or professional cleaner is a good way to save the money; as they cover best skilled professional and personnel cleaning equipment, which you do otherwise you need to purchase to clean your home for required standards. Professional cleaner have an everyday cleaning schedule, that make sure your house is cleaned daily.

3.       Insects & Germs:

The cleaner that you keep your home as less likely may be there are disturbing crawlies & hiding in the corners, in shoes, or may be making a big space that must be yours. Somebody, I knew had not cleaned for long time, and got a black spider in kid’s toy box. YIKES!! Insects are great…. when they live outside, somewhere they belong. You must hire a maid service to get better cleaning services.

4.       Solution for “no time to clean messy room or exhaustion”:

To keep home clean is the most sluggish way out. For a while just imagine about it, it is easier to keep little cleaning daily than you spend a huge time organizing clothes and keeping everything back. Often when you keep clean messy rooms just like that you are spending huge block of time, which you can use to have fun-with. It is worth the not many minutes every day to keep in knowledge that I wouldn’t waste enjoyable time to keeping home clean. It is possible to hiring a home maid service.

5.       Keep clean your home for healthier living:

Clean homes are the healthier homes. Many people are allergic from dust. It is bad much that your untidy decor may be make you sick, however if your home is exactly making you seriously sick that may feel awful and maybe pre occupying your resistance system, when a flu or cold bacteria comes on to your way. In this situation you may be too run-down to clash for it off. To live and have healthier life it is only possible to keeping your home clean and allows you to have better life.

When you appoint a maid service it results people would be much tending to hang-out in cleaned home. You justify the best place you maybe have. Keeping your home clean is the good gift for you.

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Look out for your family’s health with a comprehensive cleaning regime

Home Cleaning Service Different people have different ideas about cleaning their home and different ideas about why it is important. For some people having a home that looks bright and sparkling clean is important, for others it is all about how healthy a home is and making sure it really is clean but the two things aren’t always the same.

In reality you will probably want a home that both looks clean and is clean and healthy but the types of cleaning needed to make a house a healthy home may not be quite what you are doing.

With trying to make your home look presentable you may well have a lot of things tidied away, but do you still clean and dust these? You may also clean and polish the most obvious surfaces but worry less about those that can’t be seen.

Surfaces that can’t be seen can still affect your health, especially if mold starts growing anywhere.  DustHome Cleaning Service and bacteria growing in your home are serious but mold is perhaps more serious. Mold can grow anywhere in your home including cellars and lofts but the spores once airborne can get anywhere and you and your family can inhale them without knowing. Mold once in the lungs can cause chest infections, lead to asthma and weaken your immune system.

If you use a professional cleaning service you will have the advantage of having cleaners who know exactly where mold is likely to grow and what conditions mold likes, damp and certain sources of food, they will therefore seek out and remove mold and any sources of food for them, such as food debris under kitchen cupboards, that they could start growing on.

Dust is a problem as well of course and again not just that which can be seen; a cleaning service will give a home a thorough clean to remove all traces of dust. Getting rid of dust often involves moving furniture, and taking time dusting delicate items, you probably don’t have time to do this as regularly as you would like, at least once a week, with a cleaning service though you won’t have to worry about fitting cleaning into your busy schedule.

To really minimize dust and bacteria in your home you may want to get in a professional carpet cleaner once or twice a year: your vacuum cleaner can only suck up lose dust and dirt close to the surface, a professional carpet cleaner will penetrate deep into the carpet and underlay and also remove ingrained dirt.

If you are choosing a cleaning service another thing that is important to your family’s health is to choose a service that uses natural products where possible and minimizes the use of chemicals, which themselves can be bad for you. Vinegar, lemon juice and baking soda are all good cleaning products that are safe to breath and leave a safe residue. A chemical residue on kitchen surfaces can not only taint food but also be bad for health; excessive use of bleach and other chemicals leaves an odor that can burn the eyes and throat.


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Natural cleaning products prove to be better for the environment and your family

Clearwater cleaning services All those constantly new and improved cleaning products advertised on TV and filling supermarket shelves, and quite possibly the cupboard under your sink: are they really necessary? Through the scent that has been added you can still smell the fumes of noxious chemicals and bleach: they certainly aren’t good for the environment and a lot of what you use does get washed down the drain. If these cleaning products aren’t good for the environment you also have to ask whether they are really good for you and your family when they get left on your worktops, floors and other surfaces.

Clearwater cleaning services are a professional cleaning company and they don’t use these chemical based cleaning products unless they really have to. You would be amazed perhaps then just how much Clearwater cleaning services can do with some vinegar, lemon juice and some baking powder. All these ingredients are edible and of course harmless to the environment. Making a sandwich on a worktop cleaned with lemon juice is going to mean that slight flavor from residue after cleaning is a lot more pleasant than when food picks up that slightly chemically taste from the worktop spray you normally use.

Lemon Juice and Vinegar are importantly antiseptic so they kill germs, they may not kill as many bugs as some anti bacterial cleaners but, as doctors now advise, an environment that is too clean is actually bad for us. No bacteria, especially for children, means we build up no immune system and are more at risk of catching serious germs and being badly affected by them.

The acid in vinegar or lemon juice does much more than just killing germs however and are important weapons in theClearwater cleaning services Clearwater cleaning services arsenal. Lemon Juice is great for polishing and getting rid of stains on some metals including copper and brass and also stains on clothes and fabrics. Lemon juice also deodorizes of course so is great for cleaning bins and cleaning worktops and chopping boards that have been used for things such as fish.

Vinegar is particularly used by Clearwater cleaning services when they clean bathrooms. Vinegar is better than almost any commercial cleaning product for removing soap scum from around taps and in the bath. Though the smell of the vinegar isn’t as pleasant as the lemon it is a lot better than bleach or other products that make your eyes go red and get into your lungs making it hard to breath. Vinegar in the bathroom and the kitchen can even get rid of those mould and mildew stains on sealant and grouting that you thought would never go, there’s also the fact of course that vinegar is cheap so you don’t have to watch how much you use that can also make things easier.

Clearwater cleaning services also find Baking Soda very useful, unlike vinegar or lemon juice doesn’t deodorize by over-powering other smells but it actually absorbs odor. Using baking soda in the fridge will collect up all those smells that intermingle and create a bit of a stink: this can also stop strong foods like cheese contaminating the taste of others. Baking soda is great for removing stains as well though and also burnt on and caked on grease and food making it perfect for cleaning your oven.

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The bits of cleaning your home that need a little extra time


Though you may be house proud there are some bits of cleaning that just get left, many of them are too time consuming or too difficult to do without extra equipment. In the time some jobs that will be barely noticed by others take, you could clean an entire room, but these jobs are ones you will still be aware of and ones that do need doing eventually. Many of these jobs are best done by a cleaning service as otherwise the time taken seems barely worthwhile and is difficult to fit into ones schedule, this simply means they get left and get worse: with bathtubs especially the longer left the worse the job becomes and so rather than assuming you will find time it may be best to get a cleaning service in straight away.


One of these jobs best done by a cleaning service is deep cleaning carpets, carpets with underlay won’t be completely cleaned with a vacuum: especially if you have floorboards over a crawl space. If your vacuum cleaner can’t make a vacuum then not all dirt will be sucked up: dirt and bacteria seep down into your carpet’s base and underlay: killing this bacteria that can otherwise cause odors requires a steam cleaner, that steam cleaner must be powerful enough to get down deep but hot enough that it will kill bacteria and so that the carpet will dry quickly.


Another job that seems to take an eternity is dusting the tops of the books in your library and elsewhere. Books may be associated with dust but wherever dust is it is bad for health and doesn’t look good either. If all books were soft bound and the same size the job would be easier but even then it is difficult to remove rather than just move around the dust. Rather than rushing the job it may be worth getting a cleaning service in to do the job for you.


Cleaning the bath tub is a job that should either be done every time it is used or will get to the point where it will take hours. What often happens with baths is that the grease and lime scale that build up on them is simply bleached: this is all many bath cleaning products do in fact but the dirt and bacteria is still there and will quickly show up again. To remove grease and lime scale from a bath tub there is no alternative to hard work, for someone at least.


Polishing brass is another job that to do properly takes time, brass will tarnish quickly at first but then can take much longer before becoming very dirty. Of course the more items are used and handled the more often they must be polished. As for silverware, cutlery and kitchenware need to be polished every time they are used: it is very tempting to put them away and polish them before next using them but the job is much easier if done straight away.


Oven cleaning is one of the least pleasant and most time consuming jobs. As the oven can’t be moved you have to move yourself to its level meaning the work is particularly good for getting a sore back; an oven’s shelves can be soaked sadly the oven itself cannot be treated in the same way. A maid cleaning service can send along someone with experience cleaning ovens and all the best products to remove baked on grime.


Call Fines European Maids ( at  (727) 539-7292 for a free estimate of home, house cleaning and maid services in Clearwater, Palm Harbor, St Petersburg Florida

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How to Fresh you Bathroom

If you would like not to get too bored while cleaning your bathrooms, it is better to follow with this order through the bathroom cleanup process. Remember that similar approach can used to any areas of home or housekeeping. We also are trying concentrate one the purely natural green cleaning products.

1. Begin with the curtains. Get rid of the curtains, soak them in soapy liquid and leave them for a while.
2. Then, collect all kinds of bottles, jars and brushes and add every one of them in a large bowl.
3. Using the bath detergent composition to the surface sinks. This can be a special powder, or basically diluted to the state of toothpaste washing powder. You’ll be able to prepare yourself your own solution by putting a baking or washing soda with soap. Leave the top bath tab like that for a 30 minutes with no cleaning it up.
4. Pour the same solution we used to wash bath tab inside of the toilet bowl. Then for some time.
5. Taking care of mirrors and shelves.
6. Now wash off with washing liquid tubs and sinks. For Bath and sink is easier to work with a nylon brush or sponge.
7. Clean the bathroom . bowl by brushing inside, then wash off the outside the washing solution and erase it clean.
8. Taking care of a floor.
9. Finally place all the bottles in places they belong.
10. Rinse the curtains and hang them

A handful number of details.
If your tub is very dirty, then adding the liquid ammonia to the washing solution will help a good deal. Let it rest no less than 10 minutes, then rinse.

For any very old dirty spots apply another solution of 5 ounces of kerosene blended with 1 ounce of liquid soap

In case your tub is not really white color anymore and appears a little bit yellowish, apply a blend of bleach slightly diluted with water and leave for some time.

Traces of decay from bath tubs and sinks is easy to remove by vinegar
And a handful of words about cleanup the Toilet area.
First of all, it’s preferable to clean the bathroom area daily.
Toilet bowl has to be cleaned with all the brash applying detergent
Seat should also be cleaned daily with water and soap then wiped dry
The rest room floor needs to be washed well with water and soap and then disinfected by having a solution of ammonium chloride and liquid soap

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How You Can Clean Your Home In A Rush

Home cleaning might be a challenge when your friends are  coming, and your home is a real chaos? Relax. Below are a couple of ideas from from the Accidental Housewife, and you’ll make use of a neat, party-ready place very quickly.


First Step: Take away the baskets. It’s OK to cover stuff in plain sight (i.e., magazines within the basket near the sofa, remote controls within the basket near the coffee table). It’s a trick Edelman calls “reshifting,” and it’ll not just help your house be look organized but in addition ensure that you’ll be able to find key things later.


Pretty within the clutter. Got junk everywhere? Convert it into a decorative element-stack books flat or even more minimizing on tables and floor (very bookish London flat!), put cooking items within the cheerful water pitcher, fan out magazines within the fun way in regards to the coffee table.


Bathroom. Remove disinfectant baby baby baby wipes and rapidly clean the important thing factor surfaces. For the toilet bowl, drop a few effervescent pills (like Alka-Seltzer) or pour a can of soda in to the bowl allow it to fizz for 25 minutes, then flush.


Vacuuming.  Sorry, but vacuum cleaning is essential. Just use the vacuum rapidly while using house. It’ll get little products of paper and grime making your home look more clean and polished instantly.

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How to Clean Your Own House Stress-Free Style

Cleaning a house is sometimes a tiring task for anyone who has other activities outside the house. Some people find this task overwhelming and ending up calling for maid services to help them with cleaning their houses.

House cleaning is a stress-free task that can be done in few hours to a day depending the household’s size and extent. For you to be able to do the job efficiently, you need to know where to start. The entire process of cleaning requires determination, organization and planning, using the appropriate tools and products, and systematic implementation.

Determination to clean

The worst enemy of cleaning a house is procrastination. Most often, we want to have the house neat but do not have spare time to do it. Even when there’s ample time, we simply would not want to do the task right there and then. We prefer to do other tasks rather than cleaning. This will cause the cleaning tasks to pile up. It is necessary to set the exact date and time for cleaning. “If there’s a will, there’s a way” says an old quote. If it is impossible to determine when to clean, maid services are always available for those who need help.

Organization and planning

Maid services, offering domestic help in cleaning, use organization and planning before starting to clean. If we want to accomplish a certain goal in cleaning, we must organize the list of the task to do in a certain area. The checklist can be created which may contain tasks, products and tools to use for each area. Moreover, planning will determine the method to use in cleaning each area and it provides the order in which areas of the house would be cleaned first and so on. It is vital that, in organization and planning stage, we should commit to do all the tasks listed in the checklist created. It is recommended to put in writing to avoid missing out a task.

Use of appropriate tools and products

We need to use the appropriate tools and products for each task while cleaning the house. It would be difficult to clean a rug when using a brush. A vacuum cleaner should be use to clean a rug. This may seem obvious and should come in our common sense but often not obvious to some individuals. Cleaning would be exceptionally fast when appropriate tools and products are used in each task.


The implementation part is the actual cleaning job. This involves integration of the plans with physical action. This is where we get dirty. Our determination to clean the house comes into play on the implementation part. Depending on our determination, we can continue and complete the job or stop and call for help.

Again, it is necessary to know the key components in cleaning the house. This will give us the idea on how to clean the house effectively. In instances when we need to call maid services and seek help in cleaning, we already have an idea what to expect.

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