Monthly Archives: September 2021

Regular Home Cleaning Has Therapeutic Effects

Benefits of Regular Home Cleaning and Organizing Do regular house cleaning and a well-organized home bring more happiness and internal stability? Although most people might not consider cleaning and organizing things as a reliable solution to deal with mental health issues, recent research indicates that a clean house or an organized home brings serious psychological benefits.

If you remove extra clutter, dirt, debris, and dust inside your house, you will experience several benefits besides physical health benefits such as better indoor air quality. Below we have discussed some important benefits of organizing your house and keeping it clean.

Benefits of Regular Home Cleaning and Organizing

Our environment has a remarkable effect on our identity. Having a cluttered interior living space with misplaced items, garbage or unwashed dishes affects the way we see ourselves. Most of us have observed this and a study published in Psychological Science had confirmed that both order and disorder have a measurable impact on our preferences, behavior, and choices.

The research concludes that people living in a clean and orderly space were highly likely to choose healthy snacks, do charity, and prefer options labeled as traditional or classic. On the other hand, disorderly rooms experience a boost in creativity and unconventional thinking but could not choose a healthier and conscientious living.

Another research published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin indicated that homes instilled with positive words like restful or restorative were less likely of being stressed or exhausted compared to cluttered homes. Women are likely to be more negatively impacted when they have stressful home scores tested using high levels of cortisol and increased depressed mood during the day.

Psychology of House Cleaning

Despite your preference of having little chaos in your living environment, house cleaning is an important part of homeownership and daily well-being. But why cleaning the house is so important for our psyches? Explanations vary where some research believes that having a clean house motivates you to seek new experiences and explore. Such ideas help in managing the negative feelings.

As per a study conducted by Indiana University, St. Louis, locals reported high levels of physical activity when they lived in a clean house. The research also concluded that interior cleanliness was an important predictor for physical activity even if all other factors were taken into consideration.

Another study published in the Journal of Neuroscience stated that living in a clean environment boosts concentration levels and improves focus. It happens because the brain processes debris and clutters as a distraction while you try to correct the situation. Although we don’t usually realize this, our subconscious uses up mental resources for processing the clutter in our work or home environment and takes up valuable bandwidth of other tasks.

With our hectic schedules and a host of other things to manage, we usually have limited time to do regular household cleaning. Hence, to ensure your house remains clean, you may contact European Maids. The company offers professional cleaning staff to perform house cleaning and keep your home in the best condition. Their services can be availed across Clearwater and Pinellas County, FL.

Picture Credit: Crello


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