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Living Room
Removing Chocolate And Candy Stains
For parents living with their little ones, things are always similar to being in the season of sticky messes and sugar highs. It is more like a way of life for them. Candies, chocolates, sticky objects with food coloring containing sugary coating are notorious for settling onto carpets, clothing, and furniture fibers and the worst part is that they stay put. But, there is no need to be worried about cleaning these stains anymore. You can get professionals that are trained in tricks for cleaning stubborn stains.
Similar to most of the other stains you need to act quickly when you observe chocolate stains on your clothing, upholstery, or carpet. You may begin the cleaning by scraping off the excess or scraping chocolate by using a spoon or a knife. The vacuum hose may also be tried especially while removing stains from furniture and carpet. Doing this initially prevents the spreading of the stains or grinding out the chocolate further to fibers. From this onward your actions will depend on the item to be cleaned.
Clothing: After scraping off the extra chocolate you can turn the clothing items inside out and rinse away the stains by using cold water from the other side of the garments. This will help in pushing the chocolate out of the fibers. You may now spot-treat the stains by using stain removers, laundry detergents, or liquid dish soaps. Work into the lather gently. After this, soak the item in cold water for 30 minutes at least. Inspect the item for stains, and if there are more stains you can lather them and soak them again. After the stain is gone launder the item as usual. You can also air-dry the clothing item to make sure that the stain is gone.
Carpets and upholstery: After scraping away the loose chocolate, use 2 cups of lukewarm water with 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap. You may use a soft cloth or a soft-bristle brush to gently apply the mixture to the stains. Dab the stained area rather than rubbing it for preventing the chocolate staining. Blot the stains by using a dry cloth or paper towels. Keep on applying the soapy water and then blotting it dry by using cloth until the stains are no longer visible.
Hard candies and lollipops
In many cases, the half-consumed hard candies and peppermints, manage to find their ways to the ground. This may happen in the case of the car flooring or the living room carpets. The real problem while cleaning this sticky mess is that it can become a worse problem if someone steps onto it unknowingly and grinds the material into the fiber. Follow this procedure for removing hard candies.
Spray the plain water on the candy stain for dissolving the bonded sugar. If you do not have a spray bottle you may dab the candy by using a wet cloth. Use a butter knife or a spoon for scraping off the candy. It might take some time for the water to dissolve the sugar from the stain. Now, apply the stain remover for eliminating the leftover candy dyes or residues. You can use enzyme cleaners, store-purchased carpet cleaners, or distilled white vinegar if you do not have any stain removers.
Now, blot the stained area by using a dry and clean cloth for lifting the stain. After the stain has been removed, wash away the carpet cleaner by dabbing the stained area with a damp and clean cloth. Any remaining excess moisture can also be removed by blotting the area again by using a dry cloth. Then allow this cleaned area to dry.
If you are overwhelmed with household cleaning tasks do not worry about it. If you reside in the Clearwater, FL area you may contact the professionals available at European Maids Cleaning for an appointment to inspect the dirty area. These professional home cleaning services will give you back the free time that can be enjoyed elsewhere.
Picture Credit: Freepik
Posted in Carpet Cleaning, Cleaning Products, Cleaning Service, Cleaning Service Clearwater, Cleaning Service Tampa, Cleaning Tips, Clearwater, Floor Cleaning, Green cleaning, Home Cleaning, House Cleaning, Living Room, Maid Service, Maid Service Tampa, Residential Cleaning, Tips
Tagged #cleaning professionals, #cleaning Tip, Candy Stains, carpets, Chocolate Stains, Cleaning, Cleaning products, cleaning tips, Clearwater, Clearwater cleaning services, floor cleaning, Furniture, Green Cleaning, Home Cleaning, House Cleaning, Removing Candy Stains, Removing Chocolate Stains, Tips, vinegar
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Use these 5 Tips for Vacuum Cleaning in a Perfect Manner
If you thought that vacuum cleaning was a simple affair, then you might be compelled to change your opinion if you were told that an astonishingly large proportion of individuals are unable to vacuum methodically. You know that your vacuuming is improper when dark lines are noticeable on the carpet’s edges; your feet pick up substantial amount of dirt when you move around the house barefoot, and your home smells musty despite the fact you moved in only a few years ago.
When it comes to home cleaning, vacuuming more often is an indispensable, especially if the floors are carpeted. Unfortunately, many people are not aware of how to use the vacuum cleaner in the right manner. You’ll be surprised to learn that quite a lot of people have been and continue to vacuum without even being conscious that they have been doing it improperly all along.
You might wonder as to how there is so much dirt or grime on the floor even after your vacuuming just two days ago. Vacuum cleaning simply does not mean pulling and pushing the cleaner all over the floor. There are some specific steps that you must follow in order to accomplish the task effectively.
1. Take it easy
When it comes to vacuum cleaning the floors, work at a pace that you’re convenient with. You’ve to understand and realize that simply setting the vacuum cleaner at a high speed with the aim of completing the job in a jiffy will not help matters, especially if your carpets or rugs are laden with dust. It is important for you to adjust the speed of the cleaner in a manner that you find comfortable.
Make sure you shift the vacuum cleaner to and fro slowly as you negotiate your way through the floor. Take care to see that the cleaner is picking up accumulated grime without leaving any trace in the area. At the same time, propel the arm carefully in those areas which you cannot reach by hand.
2. Stick to a routine and maintain it
Majority of users think about vacuuming only when the floors start appearing too dusty. You’d be making your home cleaning task unduly laborious if you wait until the carpets get overly dirty. The longer you wait, the greater is the amount of grime getting deposited on the floor covering.
Once the deposit deepens and hardens, you’ll have a hard time getting rid of the grime. There is every possibility of your being unable to clear away the embedded debris just through vacuuming. You may have to go for a deep cleanse in such a situation. You can easily avoid such an eventuality by deciding to vacuum more frequently.
3. Make sure that your vacuum cleaner is spic and span
It goes without saying that you’ll be able to make the most of your vacuum cleaner (use) if it’s in working order and perfectly clean. Ensure that the inner components are in a functional order. So that the appliance can work smoothly, circulation of air within it should happen without any let or hindrance.
Do not wait for the vacuum bag to fill up with dirt. Rather clear out the deposit in the canister when it is filled halfway and replace it back. Also, make sure you change the bag periodically. Additionally, make yourself familiar with cleaning the device, starting from the vacuum down to the base plate.
4. Pay more attention to areas that experience heavy footfall regularly
Generally, the living room, entrance, hallway, and the mudroom are areas in your home that witness the maximum footfall on any given day. So, you need to vacuum these areas with greater frequency in comparison to your bedroom or study room.
5. Opt for the vacuum cleaner that will cater to your home cleaning goals
Make sure that you are using the brand of vacuum cleaner that is ideal for the coverings on the floors. Also, ascertain that you have the right accessories.
Log on to for helpful tips on home cleaning and using the vacuum cleaner like a pro.
Image credit: stevepb
Posted in Carpet Cleaning, Cleaning Service, Cleaning Service Clearwater, Cleaning Service Tampa, Cleaning Tips, Floor Cleaning, Home Cleaning, House Cleaning, Living Room, Tips
Tagged #cleaning professionals, #cleaning Tip, cleaning tips, Home Cleaning, home cleaning goals, House Cleaning, vacuum cleaner, vacuuming
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Making Your Home Safe for Children
In the life of each family there is a period when you are especially worried about the safety of your home. The growing-up kid begins to explore a world in which there are so many incredibly interesting things: cabinets with a mass of small and sharp objects and bottles with various liquids, the switches of the cooker switch, the buttons on the microwave, the drum of the washing machine. And also – the door that the child wants to open.
Children unequivocally change us. With the advent of a baby in the family, parents begin to pay attention to all the little things. Become more responsible. And many understand that even ordinary household items in the apartment can be dangerous for your beloved child. After all, the child only knows the world. And, therefore, it will be difficult to avoid difficult and unpleasant situations.
This is the most dangerous place in the apartment for a child. After all, there is a lot of beating and cutting dishes in this room. Boxes in which sharp objects and household chemicals lie, it is necessary to equip special mechanisms-blockers, with which the child can not cope. Or simply put ALL in boxes higher.
It is also safe to install in-house induction cookers. They instantly cool down (less than two minutes), which will protect the child from a possible burn.
And if the oven is low and the baby can reach it, make sure that the buttons and knobs are also always locked.
Furniture blockers have been developed quite a lot, since the principles of opening the lockers are different. But there are still drawers. Therefore, you need to choose a blocker for furniture. Although in many cases it is possible to use universal flexible retainers connecting the movable element of furniture (for example, a box) with the body.
Such locks are convenient, since they are suitable for furniture with any design of handles or without handles at all. By the way, with their help you can also block access to the child inside the refrigerator, ovens, microwave ovens, etc.
Living room
And in this room everything beating, piercing and cutting must be removed upward. Make sure that the baby can not drop anything heavy on himself.
It’s better to fix the TV on the wall. Children often drop household appliances. Everything that is on and blinking attracts a lot of attention.
Cover the sharp corners with special soft plugs.
In this room, the child should not be alone. While the baby is small and it is impossible for him to explain what can be touched and what is not. Therefore, soap, shampoos, toothpaste is best temporarily removed in a separate box.
The door of the washing machine must be closed with a blocker.
Children’s room
Do not place mirrors and TV in the children’s room. Above the baby’s bed there should be no shelves, cabinets or paintings. If the shelf is already there, then let it store only light toys, and not books.
The light switch should be placed near the baby cot. In case the kid was not afraid of monsters under the bed and could easily turn on the light himself.
Windows and doors
Interior doors – a common cause of injury: pinch their fingers with them simply. To avoid this, special blockers or locks have been developed.
Place locking mechanisms on the windows – this is especially important if the windows are located low. You can make the window open at an angle and not completely – enough for ventilation.
On the balcony door, install the lock so that the child can not go out on his own.
Interior doors equipped with shock absorbers, which will not allow the doors to close until the end, so that the baby can not pinch his fingers.
Image credit: jill111
Posted in Kitchen, Living Room, Tips
Tagged baby, bathroom, cabinets, Children, doors, Furniture, kitchen, Living room, Safe, toys, Windows
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Home Cleaning Service in Clearwater, FL
European Maids offers rental property cleaning Service in Clearwater and St Petersburg, Florida. We are the owner operated Clearwater cleaning service company. European Maids Cleaning Company offers over 20 years of experience in providing excellent professional home, residential and vacation-rental cleaning service in Clearwater, St Petersburg and Tampa Bay Florida area.
Below are photos of before and after cleaning of rental property in Clearwater FL.
Posted in Home Cleaning, Kitchen, Living Room
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Rental Property Cleaning Service in Clearwater, Florida
European Maids offers rental property cleaning Service in Clearwater and St Petersburg, Florida. We are the owner operated Clearwater cleaning service company. European Maids Cleaning Company offers over 20 years of experience in providing excellent professional home, residential and vacation-rental cleaning service in Clearwater, St Petersburg and Tampa Bay Florida area.
Below are photos of before and after cleaning of rental property in Clearwater FL.
Rental Condominium Cleaning Service in Clearwater, Florida
European Maids offers Condominium and Home Cleaning Service in Clearwater and St Petersburg, Florida. We are owner operated Clearwater cleaning service company and offer 20 + years of experience in providing excellent professional home residential and vacation-rental cleaning service in Clearwater, St Petersburg and Tampa Bay Florida area.
Below are photos of or cleaning projects in Clearwater FL