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Tag Archives: Clean Mirrors
How To Clean Mirrors Without Streaks
If we started to wash the mirror, we would like to bring the result of work to perfection, so that the mirror was perfectly clean, radiant. Why are there streaks on the mirror? First, streaks occur because the mirror is not well cleaned – there are particles of dust and fat.
The second possible reason is the traces of detergent that was used when cleaning the mirror. This results in the appearance of soap streaks.
Third, water itself may not be very clean – sometimes it contains various impurities, which are manifested in the form of streaks. Knowing the reasons, it is easy to make an algorithm of action, which will allow to wash the mirror without stains to an ideal shine.
How to wash a mirror without streaks: in order
- Remove the dirt
For starting with a mirror you need to remove dust and grease. It’s not enough just to spray on a mirror surface a means for cleaning glasses and rub with a cloth – in this case, streaks, most likely, do not pass. Therefore, we arm a sponge and some liquid detergent. Perfectly suitable liquid dishwashing detergent. You can also use shampoo for hair.
The sponge needs to be soaked with water, drop a little detergent on it, foam it and carefully rub the mirror (soft side of the sponge!). Under no circumstances should you use any abrasives – they can scratch the surface.
Rinse the sponge, remove the detergent from the mirror cloth. Then we take a napkin (it is desirable from microfiber) and another couple of times the mirror is cleared, each time rinse the napkin with clean water.
If there are dropped fat droplets on the mirror or other hardened dirt, you can carefully remove them from the surface with a sharp blade or knife, and then rub the area with a soft sponge.
If the mirror is very dirty, it is possible to use a dishwashing detergent. It is necessary to first apply it on a sponge and to moisten it, turning it into a paste. Having a paste of consistency, the powder will scratch the surface of the mirror less.
- Wash the mirror with clean water
Thoroughly removing dirt from the mirror and detergent residue, it is necessary to wipe the surface with the cleanest water. Ideally, it is worth using boiled water, soaking it with a sponge or a napkin.
- Bring a brilliance
Now you need to rub the mirror to shine. For this purpose it is most convenient to use a microfiber or paper napkin.
The paper allows you to perfectly clear the mirror and glass, as, unlike textiles, the paper does not leave a piece of fibers and dust collected on the wet surface.
Perfect means are paper towels – they have the optimum softness, absorb excess moisture, while having no property to decompose.
Before wiping the mirror to a gloss with a paper cloth or a microfiber napkin, it is necessary to moisten the surface with a means that contributes to the perfect radiance. In stores there is a huge selection of similar means for washing glasses and mirrors. They are sold, as a rule, in large bottles with a spray gun.
It is necessary to spray a little money on a mirror and rub it with a paper cloth or microfiber napkin. All! The mirror shines and no streaks!
If at hand there is no such means for glasses and mirrors, it is possible to prepare his home analogue. For this purpose, it is necessary to dilute ammoniacal alcohol in boiled water at a rate of 1 tablespoon ammonium per glass of water. Pour this solution into a spray gun, spray on a mirror and wipe it dry with paper or napkin. If there is alcohol or vodka, it is worth adding it to a solution of amber at a rate of 1-2 tablespoons per glass of solution.
Picture Credit: Pike Properties