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Tag Archives: Closet Declutter Checklist
Cleaning Closets! Best Ways Of Decluttering The Closets!
Most people crave getting the feeling of being in control in terms of having an organized space. Many times you have additional time at your disposal. You can use this time for cleaning closets in your home. In most cases, our closets are a lot less organized and far more cluttered than what we see in magazines or on TV. As these closets serve the purpose of being a storage space they tend to get full of several items that are without proper housing. Similar to a clean home, an organized and simplified closet can improve your mood. Here are some tips.
1. Be honest with yourselves: Many times you keep clothes that you do not need any longer for emotional reasons rather than for any logical ones. It is especially true for those struggling with weight fluctuations or changing body shapes. Many times the memory of how we appeared in a certain outfit a while ago can be overpowering to the reality of how clothes fit you now. Similarly, there is all possibility that you might have bought some clothes while taking into consideration a fantasy version of yourself. But in reality, you might never feel comfortable wearing that kind of clothes. Before performing closet cleaning try on every item and ask yourself these questions,
- Why should I own this item?
- Do I need this piece of clothing?
- Do I love this dress?
- Is this clothing item flattering to me?
- Am I likely to wear it tomorrow?
- Does the item fit properly at the moment?
2. Be aware of the places to donate the clothes: Closet cleaning will be a lot easier if you are aware of the places where you will be donating the clothing items ahead of time. This way ensures that after you have finished purging and decluttering the wardrobe, you may quickly whisk the items away to some deserving recipient thereby making this process a lot simpler. You can also think about consigning gently used or expensive clothing. You can make the closet cleaning process easier by keeping a donation bin, basket, or bag right within the closet. It allows you to de-clutter the closet and toss away the items that you no longer need.
3. Ensure a weekly sweeping: The more often you perform closet cleaning the lesser time it will take the next time around and simpler it will be. If you can commit to a weekly clutter clearing you will just have to spend 10 to 15 minutes every once a week or twice a week inside the closet for placing the unnecessary items within the donation box. You can re-arrange the clothes that fell out of place fold and re-hang the clothes that were strewn about your bathroom and bedroom. All of this procedure will take a lot lesser time than you think if you could handle it methodically.
4. Maximize the available storage space: Are you taking full advantage of the nooks and crannies of your closet? You will be able to fit more clothes in the closet by maximizing the space available by using the best available closet storing products. You can use the closet door for hanging the often-worn jewelry and scarves by installing hooks at the eye-level. You may think of adding inexpensive shelving in case the closet already does not have one. Other options can be hanging drawers and shoe organizers for making the most out of the available space.
Many times you are looking for a fresh perspective and sometimes you just do not know where to begin. Guidance from someone with experience in decluttering can be invaluable at such times. It is a good idea to hire the services of professionals in this case. If you live in the Clearwater and Pinellas County, FL area, get in touch with European Maids Cleaning as they can transform your closet with their organized services.
Picture Credit: Freepik
Posted in Cleaning Service, Cleaning Service Clearwater, Cleaning Tips, Clearwater, Home Cleaning, House Cleaning, Maid Service Tampa, Pinellas County, Residential Cleaning, Tips
Tagged Cleaning, Cleaning Closet, cleaning tips, Clearwater, Clearwater cleaning services, Closet Cleaning, Closet Cleaning Checklist, Closet Cleaning Tips, Closet Declutter Checklist, Decluttering Wardrobe, Home Cleaning, House Cleaning, Organizing Clothes, Tips
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