Tag Archives: Allergy Tips For Home Cleaning

Allergy Tips For Home Cleaning

Allergy Tips For Home CleaningA good home cleaning can help those that suffer from allergies. Many symptoms that are triggered by dust and dirt will be alleviated once the home has been thoroughly cleaned. If you or anyone in your family suffers from allergies, this article will provide you with the best allergy tips.

A great allergy tip offered by many home cleaning companies is to wear a mask when you clean. This is imperative to keep any allergens out of your lungs, especially if you are working with dust or other minuscule things that easily float into the air without the naked eye seeing it. Once you have cleaned the house well, treat yourself to some outdoor time. This will not only allow your lungs to get some fresh air but will also limit the number of allergens breathed in after cleaning.

First, you should plan on vacuuming one to two times per week. Your vacuum cleaner should have a HEPA filter on it. A HEPA filter will allow smaller particles to be caught so they do not sneak through the filter back into the air.

If your home is cluttered, you may wish to cut down on your belongings. Lots of picture frames and knick-knacks mean more to dust, while boxes of books or piles of clothes can easily hide dust mites and other allergens.

No one likes a dirty shower. But another good reason to scrub it on a regular basis is that mold can develop. And when mold develops, allergens can be released into the air. See about tossing your shower curtain into the washing machine if you are able to. If not, clean it in the tub and allow to dry.

Bedding, such as sheets and pillowcases, need to be washed weekly in hot water. The water should be at least 130 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature will ensure that dust mites are killed. And if you have children, be sure to wash their stuffed animals weekly as well. Blankets and quilts that are used should also be washed on a regular schedule.

Our next allergy tip is hard for many but really does help. Instead of purchasing scented laundry soaps, buy ones that do not have any scent. Fragrances in these soaps can often trigger allergies. Unscented soaps will clean your clothing just as well. Once the clothes have been dry, toss them into the washing machine. If you or your family suffers from allergies, never hang your wash outside. Pollen and mold can often be found on clothing that was allowed to air dry outside.

If you are looking for a way to get a home that clean and will not trigger your allergies, but do not have the time to use our allergy tips, consider hiring a home cleaning company, such as European Maids. These companies will deep clean your home for you. Most of them will not only vacuum all floors, but dust and mop as well. It could also be very beneficial to hire a home cleaning company if you yourself have an allergy to dust.

Picture Credit: 123rf.com

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