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Tag Archives: cold room
7 Things in Your House That Are Making You Tired
If you can not wake up, and go all day exhausted, look around you. Perhaps the causes of drowsiness are from you at arm’s length.
These seven completely harmless and habitual things in your home can be a cause of sleep disturbance and even a chronic sense of fatigue.
1. Disorder
The disorder in the house keeps your brain in constant tension. And permanent stress (even such a subtle one) leads to nervous exhaustion and a sense of eternal fatigue. To break the vicious circle, make Sunday cleaning a useful habit.
2. The walls are blue
It sounds strange, but according to the results of the American study, which analyzed 2,000 different houses with blue-colored bedrooms, it is this calming color that can slow the heart rate and lower heart pressure. So, the blue background makes you feel drowsy. Even if you do not realize it.
3. TV and computer
More precisely, the habit of falling asleep under his accompaniment. The fact is that radiation suppresses the production of melatonin, a hormone regulator of circadian rhythms, responsible for healthy fatigue and sleep. As a result, the dream itself becomes clunky and shallow, so that in the morning you will probably wake up even more tired than you fell asleep.
Those who suffer from insomnia or sleep disorders, it is better to refuse to work at the computer in the evenings. Glow from the monitor, adversely affects the human biorhythms.
4. Wine
Do you like to drink dinner with a glass of red wine? It’s not bad. But only if you have dinner at least three or four hours before bedtime. But the use of even a small dose of alcohol later, contrary to popular belief, will not give a strong sleep, and restless. And, as a result, a feeling of utter impotence in the morning.
5. Scented candles
Especially, with the aroma of lavender and other “relaxing”. Do not underestimate the effect of aromatherapy.
Smells are strongly associated with emotional memory. Therefore, it is very useful to have at hand an aroma associated with the experienced minutes of intense happiness, delight, bliss. Breathe it more often, it will help to keep a good mood.
6. Always lowered blinds and thick curtains
Darkness is a friend of good sleep. But in order not to feel drowsy at four o’clock in the evening, leave the windows unblowned until the quiet hour is near.
7. Too cold room
A cold shower certainly invigorates better than coffee, the cool temperature in the house, on the contrary, makes you feel sleepy. So try to cool only the bedroom and not only shortly before sleep.
Energy takes away household trivia: dirty dishes in the sink, not tucked bed, things scattered around the apartment. Replenish the reserves of cheerfulness will help simple cleaning. Put everything in its place, and you will immediately feel much better.
Image credit: RobinHiggins