Tag Archives: Kitchen sponge bacteria

Keeping The Bacteria Away From Kitchen Sponge While Performing Kitchen Cleaning

Keeping The Bacteria Away From Kitchen Sponge While Performing Kitchen CleaningYou will find several harmful bacteria and germs lurking around the corners of your house. They are also waiting for an opportunity on different surfaces of an average kitchen. Therefore it is significant that you wash your hands before you touch any food articles. Not only that, you need to sponge and sanitize these surfaces regularly. Let’s check out the Dos and Don’ts of dishwater and sponge kitchen cleaning.


  • Use microwave for damp sponges: While you are performing kitchen cleaning all it takes is a minute for the sponge within your microwave to banish all those harmful bacteria and bugs. You may also use a straightforward drying cycle within your dishwasher for killing all these molds, yeasts, and germs.
  • Keep replacing your sponge regularly: In case you forget to sanitize your kitchen cleaning sponge regularly just replace it. Keep in mind that it doesn’t take a lot of time for different bacteria to build within these sponges. Typically they will start appearing within a few days.
  • Remove all those smelly sponges during home cleaning: If you can detect a feisty and bad odor it is a definite sign that your kitchen sponge is not clean. You may zap it inside your microwave, place it within your dishwasher while being on a dry cycle or better still replace it.
  • Maintain your kitchen sponge in a dry condition: You need to completely wring out your sponge or dishcloth after its use for avoiding it from getting damp between the uses because it encourages the growth of bacteria. Leave out the sponge to get dry off but make sure that you are not leaving it in an enclosed space such as a bucket or a cabinet.


  • Do not wipe out those meat juices by using a sponge: It is one of the fastest ways of raising the chances of foodborne and harmful pathogens spreading over your sponge. Therefore use paper towels instead or use disinfectant for absorbing all your spillage.
  • Do not use your sponge over kitchen countertops: Unless your kitchen sponge is hygienically cleaned by using one of the methods noted above or it is fresh out of its wrapper, never use it for wiping the surfaces within your kitchen. In all probability, you will end up spreading bacteria all over the kitchen.

Cleaning your sponge

Soak your sponge in a mixture of one gallon of water and 3/4th cup of bleach for five minutes. It is an easy and surefire method for destroying all the bacteria from your sponge. Bleach is renowned for its bacteria-destroying capabilities and all experts agree that it is the most effective way of keeping your sponges clean. You can also use vinegar instead of bleach if you don’t like its smell. Soak for the same amount of time with vinegar.

Although these ways are effective, keep in mind that none of your kitchen sponges are going to last forever. You will need to replace them at some point in time. Otherwise, you can just leave this home cleaning to professionals such as European Maids in Clearwater & Pinellas County, FL area. They can bring their tools, eliminating all the requirements.

Picture Credit: Freepik

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