Organizing The Freezer Cleanouts

Organizing The Freezer CleanoutsAlthough most people who are good at home cleaning are also quite capable of fridge cleanouts, it is easy to forget about the freezer. Although just the thought of freezer cleanout may bring a groan to many faces, it is not as difficult as it used to be. Due to the quantity of frost build-up, the freezer cleaning had developed a bad reputation. However, in modern refrigerators, you will not encounter this issue which means that you can finish cleaning the freezer within 30 minutes.

What you will need

Keep in mind that these instructions are for cleaning the freezer of your refrigerator. In case you have a deep freezer you will have to talk to the manufacturer or read instructions on the manual for cleaning. For cleaning the freezer you will need,

  • Ice
  • A large cooler
  • Distilled white vinegar
  • A spray bottle
  • An old toothbrush
  • Hot water
  • Microfiber cloths


1. Take out all the food items from the freezer and put them in the cooler with ice. Remember to check the expiry dates of various food items in the process. Remove all the food items that are past the expiry date.
2. Unplug the refrigerator for safety. Do not worry about the food items as they will stay cold for 4 hours without power inside the refrigerator according to the FDA. However, ensure that people are not moving in and out of the fridge while you are working.
3. Combine equal portions of hot water and vinegar inside the spray bottle. This will be the cleaning solution for the freezer.
4. Spray the mixture generously in the freezer and wipe away the solution by using the dry microfiber cloth. You may repeat the step a few times for getting a clean freezer.
5. If there are stubborn patches you can use the toothbrush with hot water to scrub clean the area and wipe away the residue by using the microfiber cloth.
6. Dry the freezer inside by using the microfiber cloth ensuring that there is no liquid lying behind.
7. Wash out the drawers of the freezer, ice trays, and bins.
8. Plug back the freezer and also replace the food items you removed earlier. In case the ice from the cooler has begun to melt, wipe away the liquid from the food items and return them to the freezer.

One of the biggest annoyance several people feel when they open the freezer is not finding what they are looking for to eat. Due to this, it is a good idea to properly organize the food items inside the freezer while replacing them after cleaning by using a system that works out for you.

If you are looking for high-quality home cleaning professionals in Clearwater, contact European Maids. They can complete the home cleaning for you efficiently and beneficially. This is particularly useful if you have allergies that flare up during the cleaning.

Picture Credit: Unsplash

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