Dishwasher tablets do a dirty job, literally, when you do not see it. However, they not only help to bring the dishes to order. We write about the less common roles of dishwasher tablets.
Dishwasher tablets not only effectively wash dishes. They can also include eliminate dirt in the oven or restore the original color to white fabrics.
The dishwasher tablets of most of us are associated only with dishwashing. This is no discovery. One can discover, however, the unusual use of these tablets for other purposes. We provide where dishwasher tablets are still effective in our home and how useful they can be in everyday life.
Dishwasher tablet in the washing machine
If the white shirt collar has become unsightly, yellow, you can try to restore it to the previous color by putting a dishwasher tablet in the washing machine before washing. For she should whiten fabrics that have lost their color in this way, but also by dying.
By using a dishwasher tablet, you can also clean the inside of the washing machine. You need to put one or, preferably, two tablets into the drum and place the empty washing machine on the washing program. The center of the washing machine will be clean, there will be no stone, and a fresh smell will come out of the drum.
Dishwasher tablet in the fight against stains
It happens that stain remover or bleach are not effective in fighting stains on fabrics. You can then try the effectiveness of the dishwashing tablet in the dishwasher. For a stain (even from coffee or wine) you need to pour a little water and rub a tablet into it. After several minutes, rub the cloth once more and wash it normally. There should be no trace after the stain.
A dishwasher tablet in the sink
When fat, dried remnants and other types of dirt do not intend to disappear from the pan or pot under the influence of ordinary dishwashing liquid, pour warm water into the sink, put the tablet into the dishwasher and then place the dirty dishes in the water. The tablet will dissolve in water and it will be much easier to clean plates or bowls. If there is a sludge from tea, coffee or even from the water on the glasses, it will disappear just like the mentioned tablet.
Tablet for the cutlery dishwasher
If forks, knives, spoons and teaspoons have lost their shine, it is worth them to bring them back. You can use a special rinse aid for this purpose, and you can choose another way: use a dishwasher tablet. Fill the sink with warm water and throw a tablet into it. When it dissolves, you have to put the cutlery. A few minutes later, just wipe them with a sponge and dry them.
Dishwasher tablet in the oven
When the walls and bottom of the oven stick to the fat, the traditional washing liquid can not cope again. This is why, in this case, it is good to remember about the dishwasher tablet. You need to dissolve it in hot water and clean the oven with a rag or sponge in it. The tablet should solve the problem. However, wait at least an hour and then clean the oven completely. Similarly, you can wash burned sheets or cake rollers. In this case, however, it is worth first dissolving the tablet in hot water and leave it for about 2 hours.
A dishwasher tablet on the wall
The moment of our inattention and the toddler is already drawing on the wall in a room or other room. It is not always easy to remove traces of crayons or markers. It happens that paint also goes out with dirt. You can try to save the walls by reaching for a dishwashing tablet in the dishwasher. Dissolve it in a bowl of warm water and wipe the dirty surface with a damp sponge.
Dishwasher tablet in a trash bin
The fact that we put a sack in the kitchen, usually in the kitchen, put a waste in it, does not guarantee that the trash can be clean. You can see it after we remove the garbage bag. We can see stains, sometimes even mold, and a peculiar, bad smell. Warm or hot water will help clean the trash can. Pour water into the garbage can and dissolve the tablet in it. After at least a dozen or so minutes (preferably wait an hour), the water must be poured and the bucket rinsed. It will be clean and disinfected.
Dishwasher tablets in the toilet
When a sediment and stains appeared on the walls of the toilet bowl, they can be removed using a dishwasher tablet. You need to dissolve the tablet in the water in the shell and wait a few minutes, then brush the walls and the bottom with a brush, then rinse. It will be clean and disinfected.
Picture Credit: PhotoMIX-Company