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Tag Archives: dust
Safe Computer Cleaning During Your Home Cleaning
Having dust in the house is not just an unattractive proposition, but it can also damage the parts of your PC.
You will have to perform regular computer cleaning to maintain it in good condition and avoid expensive and undesirable repairs.
You need to clean the casing and monitor the sides as well to avoid the build-up of dust. Dust is the number one enemy of your PC. You may use an anti-static cloth for dusting off the casing but keep away from furniture cleaners and strong solvents for the purpose.
Keyboard cleaning
Dust, food, and other similar particles tend to get stuck below the keys of your PC. This eventually leads to the computer not working properly. Let’s look at some fundamental tips for helping you keep the keyboard clean.
Unplug the PC from the USB ports and PS2. Shut it down before unplugging them. Your keyboard will have to be turned upside down to remove all the dirt and dust. You may use compressed air to clean between all those keyboard keys. After this, you can utilize a cleaning cloth with alcohol or a paper towel to clean your keytops. Remember not to pour any type of liquid over the keys. After it is dry, you may reconnect the keyboard to your PC.
Monitor cleaning
Several things, such as dirt, fingerprints, and dust, can cause the computer screen impossible to decipher. However, it is not too difficult to clean the computer monitor whenever required. You may get certain monitor cleaning kits from the market. However, remember to utilize the proper cleaner depending on the screen surface. One of the better ways of doing this is with a clean and soft cloth and water.
Keep in mind not to use a glass cleaner for monitor cleaning. Many screens come with an anti-glare coating, and this can get damaged by using glass cleaners. Turn off your pc and also unplug it from the mains. You can use a clean and soft moistened cloth to wipe the screen clean. Never spray any liquid on the monitor because it is likely to leak within the monitor and damage the inner parts of the PC.
Deal with the spills
If there is a spill of some liquid over the keyboard, you need to shut down the PC immediately and also disconnect it from the keyboard. After this, move the keyboard upside down to allow the liquid to drain completely. If the liquid is too sticky, you will have to hold it under running water to rinse it away. Now maintain the keyboard turned upside down for a couple of days before you can reconnect it. The keyboard will be beyond repair by this time; however, it is the most effective way of dealing with this issue. The best thing to do is keep all your drinks away from the area where your PC is located.
Never try to restrict the airflow near the PC. With the computer generating a lot of heat, the casing comes with fans to prevent overheating. Avoid all stacks of paper, books, and other items close to the machine. In case you reside in Clearwater, FL area and you are looking to hire professionals for home cleaning together with computer cleaning, get in touch with Finest European Maids for expert help.
Picture Credit: Freepik
Cleaning The Computer Safely
Dust is not just an unattractive proposition, it can also damage or possibly even destroy the components of your pc. You need to clean the computer regularly to keep it working in good condition and avoid the undesired and expensive repairs. You must also clean the computer casing and the monitor sides to avoid the dirt build-up. Keep in mind that dust is the main enemy of your computer. You can use the anti-static cloth for lightly dusting off the casing. Never use strong solvents or furniture cleaners for the purpose.
Keyboard cleaning: Food, dust, and cleaning along with other such particles are likely to get stuck below the keys of your keyboard and eventually lead to preventing the computer from working properly. Here are some fundamental tips to help you from keeping the keyboard clean. Unplug your keyboard from the PS 2 or USB ports. If it is plugged you will have to shut down the PC before unplugging it. The keyboard must be turned upside down to remove dust and dirt. You can use compressed air for cleaning between the keyboard keys. Now, use a paper towel or cleaning cloth with alcohol for cleaning the keytops. Keep in mind that do not pour any liquid onto the keys. Once it is dry you can reconnect the keyboard to the computer.
Monitor cleaning: Various things such as fingerprints, dirt, and dust can all lead to making your computer screen impossible to read. But, it is easier to clean the monitor whenever required. You can get some monitor cleaning kits from the market but keep in mind to use the right cleaner depending on the surface of the screen. The best way is to use a soft clean cloth with water. Never use glass cleaner for cleaning the monitor. A lot of screens come with anti-glare coatings that may get damaged with glass cleaner. Turn off the PC and also unplug the monitor from the power source. Use the soft and clean moistened cloth for wiping off the screen. Remember, not to spray any liquid on the monitor as it may leak inside the monitor and damage the internal components of the machine.
Dealing with the spills
In case there is a spill of liquid onto the keyboard shut down the computer immediately and disconnect the keyboard. Now, move the keyboard upside down and let the liquid drain. In case the liquid is too sticky you must hold it on its side under the running water to rinse the liquid away. Keep the keyboard turned upside down for two days before you reconnect it. The keyboard might be beyond repair by now but this is the most suitable way of dealing with the problem. A better idea is to keep all drinks away from the computer area.
Never restrict the airflow around the computer. As the computer generates plenty of heat its casing has fans to stop the overheating. Avoid keeping stacks of books, paper, and other items around the computer. If you are looking to clean the house along with the computer you can think of hiring home cleaning professionals such as European Maids especially if you live in the Clearwater, FL area.
Picture Credit: Unsplash
Posted in Cleaning Products, Cleaning Service, Cleaning Service Clearwater, Cleaning Tips, Clearwater, Home Cleaning, House Cleaning, Maid Service, Residential Cleaning, Tips
Tagged #cleaning professionals, #cleaning Tip, Cleaning, Cleaning products, Cleaning the Computer, cleaning tips, Clearwater, Clearwater cleaning services, dust, Home Cleaning, House Cleaning, Tips, vacuum cleaner
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How to Clean Gold Jewelry at Home
Products made of gold of the highest standard do not sell, because they are very soft and easily change their shape just under the touch of your fingers. In order to add gold to hardness, make an alloy in which copper, silver or other metals are added. Along with the appearance of rigidity, such gold acquires the propensity to aging, that is, over time it dims, a film of oxide appears on it.
Here are a few more reasons for pollution:
- sebaceous glands of our skin, which constantly secrete sebum;
- decorative cosmetics and creams;
- surrounding dust, city smog.
The question is how to clean gold, so that its age is not noticeable. It turns out that cleaning can be done easily even at home, you just need to know a few tricks.
Imagine ways in a small table, and then describe them in detail, so that everyone can decide how to clean the gold at home with the most suitable means for him.
Cleaning with the help of improvised means
If you are looking for a simple and cheapest way to clean gold at home from dirt, then the use of cloth is for you. You will need a slightly fleecy soft material like fleece. They need to carefully rub the gold to achieve brilliance and purity.
This is a mechanical method, very gentle and suitable for absolutely any product. If you clean this way regularly, you will not need to use any liquids, including professional ones.
However, this method is not suitable in case of long-standing contamination. With its help you can not get rid of the dark oxide film and it is impossible to clean out the heavily polluted hard-to-reach places.
Soapy water
Let’s see how to clean gold at home using detergent and water. There are two options for such cleansing.
In the first case, soap or dishwashing gel is dissolved in warm water. In the soap liquid, gold ornaments are placed and left for a couple of hours to make the dirt soft. Take an old toothbrush and clean it every product, then rinse everything in running water and wipe.
The second method involves boiling. Soap solution is lowered gold and boiled for 2-3 minutes. Then, all products are pulled out and cleaned in exactly the same way as in the first method, using a soft brush.
Boiling in water with soda
An uncomplicated way with which you can clear gold from pollution is by boiling it in water with soda. It is necessary to pour a small container of water, put the gold there and heat the water. Then add soda (a glass of water about a tablespoon) and boil for several minutes. When you get your items out of the water, you will have to brush them, rinse them and dry them.
Some recommend rubbing gold directly with soda, adding a little vinegar, but this method can lead to surface damage. Soda leaves scratches, and the higher the sample of the product, the more likely that you will mechanically damage your expensive jewelry.
Vinegar is also not desirable to clean jewelry. High-grade gold, of course, vinegar is not terrible, but it can damage the alloy. In addition, the acid in no case can not be used if the product contains stones. Even the evaporation of acids can irreparably spoil some minerals.
Any toothpaste or tooth powder contains substances with light abrasive properties. So they can clean the metal. Damage to the product will not occur, since the paste contains blowing agents that soften the action of the abrasive.
Gold is covered with paste and begins to be cleaned, just like teeth. Only the brush should be taken gently, and do not use it then for the oral cavity. The length of the process depends on how large your product is and how thoroughly you clean it.
Cleaning of gold, decorated with precious stones
Gold itself can be wiped with a weak solution of vinegar, ammonia, special cleaning agents. However, stones require special treatment. There are stones that are not afraid of the impact of water and certain chemicals, but there are those that need only an extremely careful approach.
- Gold product, decorated with diamonds, cubic zirconium, can be cleaned with ammonia or washed in soapy water. Diamonds can even be rubbed with a brush, it does not hurt them.
- But to turquoise, corals and tender pearls, a solution of ammonia (ammonia) can not be used, it is better to simply wipe the flannel. Ruby, opal, lapis lazuli can be gently washed in a weak solution of baby soap.
- Many opaque stones in general are best to wipe with a special napkin or soft cloth, without applying to them chemical agents and even water.
- You can not wet stones if they are glued to gold.
- Clean the dirt from hard-to-reach places are helped by cotton swabs, which are moistened in a special composition, bought in a jewelry salon.
Take care of jewelry regularly and treat them with love.
Picture Credit: Jacek Dylag
Posted in Cleaning Service, Cleaning Tips, Home Cleaning, Tips
Tagged #cleaning professionals, baking soda, Clean Gold Jewelry, cleaning tips, dust, jewelry, soap, Toothpaste
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How to get rid of dust and unpleasant odors: Some useful tips
Knowing the secrets of cleaning and having the right tools will greatly facilitate the cleaning process! Learn how to quickly and easily get rid of dust and unpleasant odors!
Get rid of unnecessary things! The more items in your home, the more dirt and dust they save. Perform an annual general cleaning. Throw out all unnecessary and reduce the number of dust collectors for the coming year.
Key points:
The best dusting advice: clean from top to bottom.
After cleaning the dust: vacuum the carpets to clean everything up to the last dust.
Prevent the appearance of dust and unpleasant odors: open the window at least 10 minutes a day to freshen the air in the apartment.
Wiping the dust in the whole house can seem like an immense work. But do not worry – you can still win the battle with dust. Dust consists of particles of dead skin, wool of pets, dust mites and pollen, among other things. So it’s not surprising that, in the absence of wet cleaning, the house will look untidy, and the rooms will have a musty smell. Effective struggle with dust and prevention of its appearance can solve any problems and save you from unpleasant odors, turning your house into a healthy and hypoallergenic home. All that you need to get rid of the house of dust and unpleasant odors are the correct devices and a few useful tips.
How to get rid of dust and unpleasant odors?
- Ideally, these measures need to be taken 1-2 times a week to maintain a healthy, hypoallergenic and to the same fragrant habitat! Always start a wet cleaning from the upper levels – high cabinets and furniture – moving down.
- For shelves and hard surfaces, a damp rag for dust is best. On a wet rag dust clings much better than on a dry one. You can also use a brush of ostrich feathers to remove dust, as the electric charge of feathers clings dust, not spreading it around the room.
- To clean the wallpaper and painted walls, use a rubber sponge. Wiping cloth and gentle cleaning agents.
- Decorative carpets and carpets are best simply vacuumed. It is best to use apparatus with air filters of fine cleaning, which retain even the finest dust. Also vacuum cleaner after wiping the dust to collect the remaining dirt after cleaning.
- Curtains and furniture upholstery can be vacuumed on low traction by putting a special nozzle on the vacuum cleaner.
- Floor coverings without lint should be washed with a mop, and not swept with a dry broom. So you quickly get rid of dust and mustiness and prevent it from coming back soon.
- For hard-to-reach areas or special technical equipment such as a keyboard, use a compressed air cartridge or a blow-off gun to get rid of dust in cracks and furrows.
- Use a scented cleaner to clean the room with a pleasant smell, or add a few drops of your favorite essential oil, such as lemon or tea tree, onto a damp cloth that you wipe the dust off.
How to prevent the accumulation of dust and odors?
Frequent wet cleaning can easily cope with the problem areas of the apartment, but there are many ways that will help avoid the early return of dust and unpleasant odors.
- Ventilate as often as possible. Clean air is important not only to prevent the appearance of dust, but also to eliminate bad smells. In cold weather, open the window for 10 minutes to run into the apartment a portion of fresh air.
- Think about the use of an air purifying system. For their effectiveness to be noticeable, such systems must be installed in each room.
- Change the filters in your ventilation, air conditioning or heating system, as they can accumulate dust, which they then distribute to your apartment.
- When cooking or using the bathroom, use the extractor to remove steam and odors from the room.
- For deep cleaning, regularly wash carpets with shampoo or seek the help of specialists to clean their steam professionally and avoid the accumulation of unpleasant odors.
- Once a week, spray curtains and upholstered furniture with a cloth freshener. To get rid of dust, wash removable covers in the washing machine or ask for dry cleaning at least once a year.
- Upholstery and carpets are the most active dust collectors, so give preference to leather furniture, as well as hard flooring instead of carpets and blinds instead of curtains.
- If possible, change bed linen once a week. To reduce the risk of dust mites, use a hypoallergenic mattress cover.
Regularly take out the garbage, without waiting until the trash can is filled to the top.
Image credit: qimono